This interactive project aims to explore the various ways Montreal-based artists have been impacted by the pandemic. By watching interviews with visual artists from different backgrounds, discovering their work, and exploring their websites, you will be able to better understand what they are going through and understand the extent of their resilience.
Jackson Starr is a second year Cinema Communications student at Dawson College. While he does not have too great a connection to the art world in Montreal, he was very enthused about learning greater details about the art community. Along with that, his experience in formulating and editing videos along with strong Journalistic experience brings considerable aid to this project.
Salomé Maari is a second-year Arts and Culture student at Dawson College and future Journalism student at UQÀM. Art is a big part of her life, as she has been making art ever since she was a kid. She has a lot of connections to the art world, and her perspective on the struggles of these artists during the pandemic gave her the motivation to make this project.